11 cities form Ft. Lauderdale, FL to Alburquerque, NM. Had a blast with Trevor and Jimmy! Here is a picture of us at one of my favorite diners, the Owl Cafe in " Owlburquerque " NM!
These guys were a blast to travel with! We drove straight from Los Angeles to Gainsville FL for our first show. Thanks to everyone that helped out.
We are heading back out to make up some dates that I had to push back to October. El Paso TX and Tucson, AZ!
Looking forward to it!
Also, I started playing with a new surf band in Los Angeles! We are called the Finksville 5!
Playing with Norman and Ryan from the Ghastly Ones, Dan Moses from the Dynotones, and
Danny Mangana, formely of Big Sandy! Our first show is this Saturday
with the Woggles from Atlanta GA!